Category: Education

Apps for a Network Engineer Part II: Windows

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Windows for Network Engineers

Part two in my series of apps for network engineers across the three major platforms. I previously did the post for Mac when I first refreshed my laptop and purchased my first new Mac in 8 years. Issued by work, my daily laptop is a Windows machine which is fine with me. I would prefer to use Mac but give me a machine that has the tools I need and I’m fine. So with that in mind, I am going to list my favorite Windows tools for Network Engineers.

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IP SLA for Single Default Route Change

Reading Time: 5 minutes

The scenario goes like this. You are working at your office (R1) and need to change the IP address and default route on the remote device (R2). The issue a factor of two things. The first is the fact that R2 is connected to your network with only one link. The other issue is R2 cannot use any dynamic routing protocols so you are stuck with a default route that is pointing at the next hop. If you are to change either of these facts you lose connectivity to R2. While there are other solutions to making this change, I am going to take the concept of floating static routes and an IP SLA to change both the IP address and the default route.

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Initial Router Setup For Remote Access

Reading Time: 3 minutes

[notice]PacketPilot / P2Labs does not guarantee any certification results inĀ using the content of this website. Please keep in mind these are free tools to aid in your learning and certification goals. All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and content in these labs. Hard work, dedication, and official Cisco training materials are recommended for your training.[/notice]

The following lab can be completed using any Cisco Emulator supporting the appropriate feature(s).

The purpose of this lab is to reinforce basic router configuration including naming the router, connecting two routers via an ethernet connection, and establishing logon procedures for remote access including secure remote access. Remote access if a key design feature of any network. It provides efficiency of management by preventing unnecessary trips to distant devices for simple tasks. Secure access is provided to prevent unauthorized access and data gathering from packet captures on plain text traffic.

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Cisco OSPF MD5 Authentication

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continuing with our OSPF and interior gateway protocols we will not look at an MD5 implementation utilizing OSPF on a Cisco router. We will again continue with our 3 router topology as used in both the EIGRP MD5 example and the OSPF plain text example. There are very few changes that will need to be made to our earlier OSPF example using plain text. The topology is as follows.

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Cisco OSPF Plain Text Authentication

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continuing with our interior routing protocol discussion on authentication we are going to look at Cisco OSPF implementation of plain text authentication. While this isn’t the most widely used model for authentation with OSPF it is a viable option. The topology we are going to use is the same topology from the EIGRP authentication example. The steps may feel familiar as well.

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Overlapped IP Range in a Merger

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The Scenario is this…Company A has purchased Company B. One is an enterprise of thousands of users, the other a mid size company in the multiple hundres. However, as would happen to be the case, both companies utilize an overlapping subnet. To further complicate the issue it has been decided that both companies need to terminate at Company A’s core and utilize a single unified instance of EIGRP. As part of this scenario, both companies need to be abble to access each others networks but luckily it has been determined that neither need to be able to access each others overlapped networks. Additionally both companies advertise different bit masks on their overlapping networks. This is something that we can work with.

The following examples show the additional configuration required for the specific scenario above. The full router configurations are posted at the end of the article.

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Cisco DHCP Configuration

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Cisco routers are capable of doing many more things than simply routing packets. In fact, it can operate as a small DHCP server when needed. By no means is it a replacement for your enterprise, centrally managed DHCP server but it does have its applicable scenarios. Lets say you have a branch office that has its own server for any particular reason. Maybe it is a local file share for an engineering departments CAD program and rather than having all file traffic from opens and saves traverse the WAN during the day, you simply run backs of that server across the WAN at night. Continue reading

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Static Routing with Cisco

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Routing is at the core of the network infrastructure. Routing is what ultimately lets you get from point A to point B not only in your own network, but also across the entirety of the world wide web. Routing in its simplest form tells your network devices the path to get to another network device located on another network. This was originally handled by creating static routes to the required destinations.

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Cisco HSRP Example

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Todays enterprise network is heavily focused on providing as near to 100% uptime as possible. Newer technologies such as virtualization and server clusters have been a focal point in achieving this level of service for some time now. However, an often missed opportunity to provide that level of service exists in the core of your infrastructure. Many medium size organizations will implement a server monitoring resource to measure and track the uptime on their core applications and infrastructure servers such as DHCP, DNS, SharePoint, Active Directory, and so on. Often times this monitoring server is located within the data center, and likely on the same subnets as the servers themselves. This can quickly skew your uptime numbers in the sense of “can my users reach the servers?”. While true, the uptime of the servers may be near 100% from the standpoint of the monitoring system, that does not indicate the ability for your users to reach the servers, or in the same concept, your servers to reach your users. Enter default gateway redundancy.

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Cisco OSPF Virtual Link Example

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In my chase for CCNP I came across virtual links while studying for the CCNP ROUTE exam. When I first read through the concept I was slightly lost during the description. However, upon a couple of runs through a lab it became clear on how easy the were. Before I list the condensed two step (or focus points if you will) to look at let’s look at what a virtual link is and why we would use it.
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