Notes from MS Learn AZ-700 Module 8: Design and Implement Network Monitoring – Unit 3: Exercise – Monitor a Load Balancer Resource Using Azure Monitor
Tasks (taken from MS Learn: Items without “Task” in front of them are personal additions)
- Task 1: Create the virtual network.
- Search and click Virtual networks in portal
- Select Create
- Select or Create New under Resource Group (create new in this example)
- Enter unique name and click OK
- Enter Unique name in Instance details Name box
- Choose appropriate Region from dropdown
- Click Next : IP Addresses >
- Delete default IPv4 address space
- Enter new IPv4 address space
- Click add subnet
- In right panel enter unique name
- Enter appropriate Subnet address range
- Click Add
- Click Next : Security >
- Toggle BastionHost to Enable
- Enter Bastion Name in box
- Enter AzureBastionSubnet address space in box
- Select or create new Public IP address (create new in this example)
- Enter unique name in dialog
- Click OK
- Select or Create New under Resource Group (create new in this example)
- Click Review + create
- Once validation succeeds click Create
- Task 2: Create the load balancer.
- Search and choose Load Balancers in portal
- Click Create
- Choose Resource Group from dropdown
- Enter unique name in Instance details name box
- Click Next : Frontend IP Configuration >
- Click Add a frontend IP configuratioin
- In right panel Enter unique name
- Choose backend subnet from dropdown
- Click add
- Click Review + Create
- Once validated click Create
- Task 3: Create a backend pool.
- On Deployment complete page from above click Go to resource
- In left panel click Backend pools
- Click Add
- Enter Unique Name
- Click Save
- Click Add
- Task 4: Create a health probe.
- In left panel choose Health Probes
- Select Add in menu bar
- Enter Unique name
- Change Protocol to HTTP in dropdown
- Change Interval to 15
- Click Add
- Task 5: Create a load balancer rule.
- In left panel click Load balancing rules
- Click Add in menu bar
- Enter unique name
- Choose Frontend IP Address from dropdown
- Choose Backend Pool from dropdown
- Enter Port Number in box
- Enter backend port number in box
- Choose created health probe from dropdown
- Adjust Idle timeout slider to 15 min
- Click Add
- Task 6: Create backend servers.
- Open PowerShell in Azure Portal cloudshell
- Upload template and parameters files as done in previous exercises
- Verify account and set subscription and Resource Group variable as done in previous exercises
- Deploy the 3 VMs using the 3 different parameters files using the same tasks as previous excercises
- Task 7: Add VMs to the backend pool.
- Under Load balancers settings in the left pane select Backend Pools
- Click myBackendPool
- Click Add under IP configurations
- Check all three new VMs checkboxes and click add
- Click Save
- Task 8: Install IIS on the VMs.
- Navigate to Virtual Machines in Portal
- Connect via Bastion to the first VM
- Open PowerShell in session
- (Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools)
- (Remove-Item C:|inetpub\wwwroot\iisstart.htm)
- Add-Content -Path “C:\inetpub\wwwroot\iisstart.htm” -Value $(“HelloWorld from ” + $env:computername))
- Repeat for other VMs
- Task 9: Test the load balancer.
- Under Virtual Machines Page click Create
- Choose Azure Virtual Machine
- Choose appropriate Resource group from dropdown
- Enter Unique Virtual machine name in box
- Choose Windows Server 2019 Datacenter – x64 Gen2 from dropdown under image
- Under size dropdown choose Standard_D2s_v3 – 2 vcpus, 8GiB memory ($137.24/month)
- Enter creds
- Click Next : Disks >
- Click Next : Networking >
- Under Public IP dropdown select None
- Toggle NIC network security group to Advanced
- Under Configure network security group dropdown choose myNSG
- Click Review + Create
- Once validated click Create
- Navigate to Load Balancer (search under portal)
- Click new LB (myIntLoadBalancer)
- Click See more
- Copy private IP
- Connect to test Virtual Machine via Bastion
- Open Internet Explorer
- Browse to LB IP
- Refresh
- Should show diff VMs during refreshes
- Close IE
- Task 10: Create a Log Analytics Workspace.
- Search and select log analytics workspaces in portal
- Click Create
- Choose appropriate resource group from dropdown
- Enter Unique Name
- Choose appropriate region from dropdown
- Click Review and Create
- Once validated click Create
- Task 11: Use Functional Dependency View.
- In portal navigate to previously create LB
- Choose Insights in left panel
- Close metrics pane
- Click zoom button to zoom in
- Hovering offers details
- Click Download Topology
- Click View Metrics to reopen pane
- Task 12: View detailed metrics.
- After closing Metric pane select view detailed metrics
- Click Frontend & Backend Availability to view response
- Click Data Throughput
- Task 13: View resource health.
- Search and click Monitor in portal
- Click Service Health in left panel
- Click Resource Health in left panel
- In Resource type dropdown choose load balancer
- Choose new load balancer
- Task 14: Configure diagnostic settings.
- Navigate back to new load balancer page
- Click diagnostic settings in left panel
- Select Add diagnostic setting
- Enter unique name
- Check All Metrics box
- Click Save
- Close page
- Task 15: Clean up resources.