Notes from MS Learn AZ-700 Module 4: Load balance non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure – Unit 4: Exercise – Deploy Azure. Application Gateway
Tasks (taken from MS Learn: Items without “Task” in front of them are personal additions)
- Task 1: Create an application gateway
- Search and Click Application Gateways in Azure Portal
- Click Create
- Select or Create New for Resource Group (Create new in this example)
- Enter unique name
- Click OK
- Enter Application gateway name
- Chose Region from dropdown
- Select or Create New Virtual Network (create new in this example)
- Enter unique name
- Delete default subnet (trashcan icon next to “default” under subnets
- Enter new subnet name
- Enter address range
- Repeat for backend subnet
- Click OK
- Click Next : Frontends >
- Verify type is toggled to Public
- Click Add New
- Enter unique name
- Click OK
- Click Next : Backends >
- Click Add a backend pool
- Enter unique name
- Toggle Add backend pool without targets to YES
- Click Add
- Click Next : Configuration >
- Click Add a routing rule
- Enter unique name
- Set priority to 100
- Enter unique listener name
- Select Frontend IP from dropdown
- Click Backend Targets tab on add rule screen
- Choose Target type from dropdown
- Choose or add new backend target (add new in this example)
- Enter unique name
- Select Add
- Click add to save rule
- Click Next: Tags >
- Click Next : Review + create >
- Once validated click Create
- Select or Create New for Resource Group (Create new in this example)
- Task 2: Add backend targets
- Open cloud shell (icon next to search bar in Azure Portal
- Upload ARM template and parameters file in cloud shell (upload/download button in menu)
- Verify Azure account (az account show –output table)
- Set subscription in cloud shell (az account set –subscription “Name from output above”)
- Set ResourceGroup variable ($RGName = “NAME”)
- Deploy template (New-AzResourceGroupDeployment – ResourceGroupName $RGName -TemplateFile name.json -TemplateParameterFile name.parameters.json)
- Verify creation (search Virtual Machines in Azure Portal)
- Task 3: Add backend servers to backend pool
- In Azure Portal search and select Application Gateways
- Choose newly created Applicatioin Gateway
- Under settings choose Backend pools
- Choose “BackendPool” created previously
- In Target type dropdown choose Virtual Machine
- In Target dropdown choose the first BackendVM1-nic
- Repeat for BackendVM2-nic
- Click Save
- Task 4: Test the application gateway
- Under the Application Gateway click Overview
- Copy and browse to the Frontend Public IP Address
- Verify BackendVM1
- Refresh browser
- Verify BackendVM2