Notes from MS Learn AZ-700 Module 2: Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks – Unit 3: Exercise – Create and Configure a Virtual Network Gateway
Tasks (taken from MS Learn: Items without “Task” in front of them are personal additions)
- Task 1: Create CoreServicesVnet and ManufacturingVnet
- Open Azure PowerShell (button next to Azure Portage Search Bar)
- Upload ARM Template and Parameters File (Upload/Download button in cloud shell menu bar)
- Azuredeploy.json
- Azuredeploy.parameters.json
- View and set subscription
- Az account show –output table
- Az account set –subscription “Subscription Name”
- Set new resource group variable
- $RGName = “NewResourceGroupName”
- New-AzResourceGroup -Name $RGName -Location “eastus” – Tag value1 -Force
- Deploy ARM template for subnets and resources needed
- New-AzResourceGroupDeployment – ResourceGroupName $RGName – TemplateFile armtemplatename.json -TemplateParameterFile armtemplatename.parameters.json
- Task 2: Create CoreServicesTestVM
- Upload ARM Template and Parameters File (Upload/Download button in cloud shell menu bar)
- Azuredeploy.json
- Azuredeploy.parameters.json
- Deploy ARM template for subnets and resources needed
- New-AzResourceGroupDeployment – ResourceGroupName $RGName – TemplateFile armtemplatename.json -TemplateParameterFile armtemplatename.parameters.json
- Upload ARM Template and Parameters File (Upload/Download button in cloud shell menu bar)
- Task 3: Create ManufacturingTestVM
- Upload ARM Template and Parameters File (Upload/Download button in cloud shell menu bar)
- Azuredeploy.json
- Azuredeploy.parameters.json
- Deploy ARM template for subnets and resources needed
- New-AzResourceGroupDeployment – ResourceGroupName $RGName – TemplateFile armtemplatename.json -TemplateParameterFile armtemplatename.parameters.json
- Verify VM Created
- Search Virtual Machines in Azure Portal
- Select Virtual Machines
- Upload ARM Template and Parameters File (Upload/Download button in cloud shell menu bar)
- Task 4: Connect to the Test VMs using RDP
- Select VM and note Private IP
- Return to VMs page
- Select the second VM
- Select Connect > RDP
- Select Download RDP File
- In right panel select Open File to connect to VM
- Select Connect
- Enter credentials
- Select OK
- Task 5: Test the connection between the VMs
- Search for PowerShell on VM in RDP Session and open
- Verify no connectivity to other VM
- Test-NetConnection X.X.X.X (noted IP of other VM) -port 3389
- Output should contain TcpTestSucceeded : False
- Close RDP Session
- Task 6: Create CoreServicesVnet Gateway
- Search and Select Virtual Networks in Azure Portal
- Select first VMs VNet
- Under Settings select Subnets
- Note ARM template created GatewaySubnet
- Under Settings select Subnets
- Search and select Virtual Network Gateway in Azure Portal
- Select Create
- Enter Name
- Select Region
- Select SKU and Generation
- Select Virtual Network
- Enter Gateway subnet address range
- Enter Public Ip address name
- Enable or Disable active-active mode per desired deployment
- Select Review and Create
- Select Create
- Select Create
- Task 7: Create ManufacturingVnet Gateway
- ManufacturingVnet does not have a GatewaySubnet and will be created while creating the gateway
- Navigate to virtual network gateways in Azure Portal
- Select Create
- Task 8: CoreServicesVnet to ManufacturingVnet
- Navigate to Virtual Network Gateways in Azure Portal
- Select the first VNet used earlier
- Select Connections under settings
- Select Add
- Enter Name
- Chose the Second Virtual Network Gateway
- Enter PSK
- Select OK
- Task 9: Connect ManufacturingVnet to CoreServicesVnet
- Navigate to Virtual Network Gateways in Azure Portal
- Select the second VNet used earlier
- Select Connections under settings
- Select Add
- Enter Name
- Chose the Second Virtual Network Gateway
- Enter PSK
- Select OK
- Task 10: Verify that the connections connect
- Search for and select Connections in Azure Portal
- Click Refresh
- Both show Connected
- Task 11: Test the connection between the VMs
- Navigate to Virtual Machines in Azure Portal
- Select Second VM created
- Select Connect > RDP
- Test connectivity in PowerShell
- Test-NetConnection X.X.X.X (IP of first VM) -port 3389
- Output should show TcpTestSucceeded : True