Notes from MS Learn AZ-700 Module 4: Load balance non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure – Unit 6: Exercise – Create a Traffic Manager Profile Using the Azure Portal
Tasks (taken from MS Learn: Items without “Task” in front of them are personal additions)
- Task 1: Create the web apps
- Search and select App Services in Azure Portal
- Click Create
- Select or Create New Resource Group (Create new in this example)
- Enter Unique Name
- Click OK
- Enter Name in box under Instance Details
- Select Runtime stack from dropdown
- Select Windows Plan or Create new (create new in this example)
- Enter unique name
- Click OK
- Click Next : Deployment >
- Click Next : Networking >
- Click Next : Monitoring >
- Toggle Enable Application Insights to No
- Click Review + create
- Click Create
- Repeat for second webapp changing the location
- Select or Create New Resource Group (Create new in this example)
- Task 2: Create a Traffic Manager profile
- Search and click Traffic Manager Profiles in Azure Portal
- Click Create
- Enter unique Name
- Select Routing Method from dropdown
- Select Resource Group from dropdown
- Click Create
- Click Refresh
- Task 3: Add Traffic Manager endpoints
- Choose the newly created TM profile
- Click Endpoints under settings
- Click Add
- Enter unique name
- Choose Target resource type from dropdown
- Choose Target resource from dropdown
- Click Add
- Repeat Add steps above for failover (second) endpoint
- Click Refresh
- Monitor status should list Online for both
- Task 4: Test the Traffic Manager profile
- Click overview in left panel
- Copy DNS Name
- Open new browser tab and paste DNS name
- Disable Primary site
- Click on primary endpoint
- Toggle Status to Disabled
- Click Save
- Close endpoint page
- Status for primary endpoint now disabled
- Open new tab and navigate to DNS name
- Webapp should still be available