Notes from MS Learn AZ-700 Module 4: Load balance non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure – Unit 6: Exercise – Create a Front Door for a Highly Available Web Application
Tasks (taken from MS Learn: Items without “Task” in front of them are personal additions)
- Task 1: Create two instances of a web app
- Search and select App Services in Azure Portal
- Click Create
- Choose or Create new under Resource Group
- Enter Unique name under Instance Details
- Choose a Runtime stack from dropdown
- Choose a region from dropdown
- Choose or create new under Windows Plan (Create new in this example)
- Enter Unique Name
- Click OK
- Click Review + Create
- Once validated click Create
- Repeat for second App Service
- Task 2: Create a Front Door for your application
- Search and click Front Door and CDN profiles in Azure Portal
- Click Create
- Leave Quick Create selected
- Click Continue to create a Front Door
- Select (or create new) a Resource group from the dropdown (choose from dropdown in this example)
- Enter unique name under Profile details
- Enter unique name under Endpoint settings
- Select “App services” from Origin type dropdown
- Select Origin host name from dropdown
- Click Review + Create
- Once Validated click Create
- Click Go to resource once deployment complete
- Click Origin groups
- Click created origin group (default-origin-group in this example)
- Click Add an origin
- Enter Unique name
- Select Origin type from dropdown
- Select Host name from dropdown
- Click Add
- Click Update
- Task 3: View Azure Front Door in action
- Click Overview under the Frontdoor page
- Copy Endpoint hostname and navigate to address
- Search and click App Services in Azure Portal
- Check box next to first App Service (WebAppContoso-2001)
- Select Stop in menu bar
- Select Yes to verify
- Click refresh in menu bar
- App should show status stopped
- Go back to App browser tab and refresh
- Should appear the same
- Go back to Azure and stop second webapp
- Return to App browser tab – refresh – should show Error code as unavailable now that both are stopped