Notes from MS Learn AZ-700 Module 1: Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks – Unit 6: Exercise – Configure Domain Name Servers Settings in Azure
Create Private DNS zone and link VNets for registration and resolution. Test with two created VMs
Tasks (taken from MS Learn: Items without “Task” in front of them are personal additions)
- Task 1: Create a private DNS Zone.
- Search Private DNS Zones
- Create
- Select Resource Group and Create Name
- Review & Create – Create
- Go to resource to verify
- Task 2: Link the subnet for auto registration.
- Under Private DNS Zone resource created select “Virtual network links”
- Click Add
- Add link name
- Select VNet
- Check “Enable auto registration” box
- Okay
- Repeat for additional VNets
- Task 3: Test the environment.
- Use Azure PowerShell to deploy the template to create VMs.
- Open Powershell (Cloud Shell button next to search bar in Azure Portal)
- Upload template files (Upload/Download files button in PowerShell menu bar)
- Verify Subscription
- az account show –output table
- Set subscription in PowerShell
- az account set –subscription “Subscription Name”
- Deploy ARM template to create VMs
- $RGName = “ResourceGroupName”
- New-AzResourceGroupDeployment – ResourceGroupName $RGName – TemplateFile templatename.json – TemplateParameterFile templatefilename.parameters.json
- Return to Azure Portal to verify VM’s created
- Search “Virtual Machines” in Portal
- Select Virtual machines
- Use Azure PowerShell to deploy the template to create VMs.
- Task 4: Verify records are present in the DNS zone and VMs function properly.
- Search for Private DNS Zones in Azure Portal search bar
- Select Private DNS Zones
- Select Private DNS Zone created earlier
- Verify A records exist for newly created VMs
- Search Virtual Machines in Azure Portal search bar
- Select Virtual machines
- Select VM
- In VM bar select Connect > RDP
- Download RDP File
- In right panel select Open File
- Select Connect
- Enter VM Username and Password and select OK
- Open command prompt once connected to VM RDP session
- Verification
- ipconfig /all
- Ping another VM by name to verify name resolution
- nslookup