I’ll take two or more at a time please – A study method

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We Information Technology folks (e.g. Network Engineers, Security Engineers, Cloud Engineers, Software Engineers, etc. the list goes on) are always in a predicament. I can’t speak for everyone but a lot, if not most of us, kind of do it to ourselves in a sense. What is that predicament?

Well, I guess it has multiple elements to it in my opinion. To start as technology changes, grows, expands, whatever you want to call it we often get geeked out about the new. It’s kind of in our blood. The problem is we have to maintain what we already know while keeping up with and learning whats new.

This maintenance comes in a few forms. One is keeping up with the environment we work in. It’s elements, configurations, upcoming changes, etc. Another large thing is keeping our credentials up to date and valid. Some things stay the same which gets tedious to go over again and again and constantly paying to uphold certifications. These change over time, but often hold onto a lot of technology that gets tiresome to re-study time and time again to put it back in your brain just for an exam. As time goes, new elements are added yes, and that’s a fun part of repeating these exams to re-certify but that is the same reason I got burnt out allowing expiry of a lot of credentials I’ve held.

Now there is learning something new. This is exciting and a lot easier to maintain focus and a study schedule. No, I’m not saying you have to study for an exam or certification but I find using those as outlines a good way to organize forward progress and small achievements/goals covering broken down topics that fall under a “section” or “category”. For me I usually do this and take the exam/certification because if I break down studying using those as outlines I might as well attempt it.

So whats with the “I’ll take two or more” thing. It’s an idea I use to keep from the burnout. The thought process is to study for two or more (obviously allowable open/available time based) things at once. Personally my plan is to pick one credential I want to maintain/renew (or in my case obtain again from having it active previously) and pick another that is something new to spark that excitement back into learning/studying.

This allows me to work a bit on that tedious task of going over the same content again and again so when I get that study exhaustion I can bounce to the new and more fun to me thing I’m studying.

This takes some dedication as you can imagine. Organization is also key, not just in note taking and planning time, sections/category breakdowns, but most importantly keeping things separate in your head as well. This is different for everyone but I like using OneNote for note taking and utilizing the training books/videos/course/exam blueprints sections and categories as an outline.

This strategy isn’t for everyone but I figured I’d share it in hopes it can help someone. Also, don’t think this is limited to Information Technology. It could certainly be used in other arenas or even as a way to break away from the doldrums of the field you are maintaining knowledge in. For instance, maybe you are an electrician and need to maintain journeyman statuses but are burning out, you could pick up learning a new language as your second topic as a getaway, or maybe a good getaway is picking up culinary or BBQ skills.

Let’s keep the train wheels moving in this exciting, constantly changing and evolving landscape we call life. High fives and best of luck!

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